Friday, May 6, 2011

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy - a common occurrence

Nursing Pajamas

Pregnancy is one of the most special moments in the life of a woman. There are few words to describe the experience of a child who grows into his body. Unfortunately, pregnancy can be as difficult as it is wonderful. Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are just one of many things that can cause pain or discomfort for many women.

Nursing Pajamas

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are a common occurrence that the experience of most women. Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are produced because the blood vessels in the rectumor vagina swell. Pregnant women experience hemorrhoids mainly because of the blood that circulates in the body increases.

Another factor that puts pregnant women at increased risk of developing hemorrhoids is due to fluctuating hormone levels. The progesterone increase during pregnancy and, as such, the vein walls collapse, because they are too soft and do not work properly. The uterus puts pressure on the nerves that support the pelvis that leads to hemorrhoids duringpregnancy.

Constipation can also cause hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Constipation causes a lot of effort during defecation. Stress can also cause rectal bleeding to see if the hemorrhoids stops.

Although some hemorrhoids cause bleeding that usually only cause discomfort such as itching and mild pain. There are many things you can do to alleviate the discomfort associated with hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

One way to treat hemorrhoids duringpregnancy is to use a cold compress, such as a bag of ice. Cold compresses help to relieve the inflammation of hemorrhoids. They also help reduce pain and allow you to be more comfortable.

Another way to reduce the discomfort of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is to take care to clean carefully when you use the bathroom. Gently clean helps keep bleeding hemorrhoids and decreases the amount of irritation. pre-moistened clothes are a great alternative to regular toilet paper when youhemorrhoids.

A sitz bath is a great way to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy. A sitz bath with warm water will allow you to absorb and soften the area where the hemorrhoids. A sitz bath can help to increase the irritation and pain that comes from having hemorrhoids.

OTC creams and pills can also work well for the treatment of hemorrhoids, especially if pregnant. Most of these products have witch hazel in them. Some products can cause further irritation so be careful whenbefore applying any cream-o-counter. Although generally safe, you should always consult your physician before using any medication during pregnancy.

It can also prevent hemorrhoids during pregnancy, doing Kegel exercises. Kegel exercises help the circulation in the rectum and vagina. Kegel exercises the muscles supporting the rectum strong. This reduces the chances of having hemorrhoids.

In many cases, women find that after delivery of babyHemorrhoids are a minor problem. Most hemorrhoids go away by themselves, if treated properly. However, if you experience extreme pain, discomfort or excessive bleeding is important to consult a doctor immediately. Once you get past the experience less pleasant for hemorrhoids that you can concentrate on her pregnancy and bring the child into the world.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy - a common occurrence

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm Josehp. pots make a fabulous writing about hemorrhoids. There are many ways to make them disappear forever and can be found at the following site
