Nursing Pajamas
Childbirth is a common occurrence, but if you are anticipating for the first time, feels anything but ordinary. Little in life that strikes deep, like a mother. Despite the choices we face may seem overwhelming, a little 'education, introspection and planning can make the road easier to navigate. Taking charge of the trip based on the following topics within.
Nursing Pajamas
Educating yourself about different ways of seeing the birth.
Obstetricians are trained toSee pregnancy and childbirth as a medical condition requiring treatment and intervention, while obstetricians tend to regard as natural phenomena, healthy and normal. This philosophical distinction is important and relates to pregnancy, childbirth and childbirth are data and what kind of results you have.
The studies confirm, for example, that many of the routine obstetric interventions during pregnancy and childbirth does not improve birth outcomes and undermine a womanpossibility of giving birth naturally. And a single action, such as induction of labor can be set in place a whole cascade of interventions, often culminating in a caesarean section, half of which are medically unncessarily. Caesarean sections have increased in recent years - 32% in 2005. This means that the odds are nearly one out of three! Many refer to this as an "epidemic".
Obviously there are situations in which the technology and life-saving interventions. But how does a health care providerpregnancy and childbirth view - not to mention women - can dramatically impact the type of experience you have.
Think about what kind of doctor you want.
Obstetricians have surgical specialists and their expertise is clearly needed in high-risk situations. While most women in the U.S. today receive obstetric care, this knowledge is not usually necessary to manage normal pregnancies and healthy. In fact, outside of the United States and Canadaexplains, Marsden Wagner, a neonatologist, epidemiologist perinatal, and former director of the Maternal and Child Health of the World Health Organization European Regional Office, the majority of women receiving obstetric care not, but obstetric care.
Midwives are qualified health professionals trained to help healthy women with normal pregnancies and births. Some are CNMS (certified nurse midwives are registered nurses with additional training in obstetrics), and otherare independent midwives with different credentials. Some are CPM (Certified Professional Midwives) and some are CM (certified midwives), but the two monitoring programs for national certification. And all are trained to act in emergency situations and identify problems that require consultation or treatment of a doctor.
A third alternative is a family doctor. Although the number of family physicians in deliveries in recent years, about 25 percent to provide obstetric carehealthy women with low risk pregnancies. Their approaches vary considerably, and their dependence on medical intervention and technology.
Regardless of the type of provider you choose, it is important to find the setting and the doctor whom you trust and feel comfortable. Explore all the options, there is the information, then listen to what your heart tells you.
Explore different scenarios of birth.
The vast majority of births in the United States take place in hospitals.If this is your choice, knowing in advance what options are available and can be with you during labor and childbirth. The Coalition for maternity services, a coalition of individuals and national organizations working to promote a wellness model of maternity care, recommends what happens during normal labor and delivery and to know how often carried out various procedures, such as induction of labor, episiotomy and C-sections. A list of ten questions to ask for help isavailable at:
[Http: / / / Ten_Questions / tenquestions.html].
Hospitals, however, are not the answer for everyone. Birth centers and home births to women with normal pregnancies offers the possibility of the birth experience more personal, intimate and personal. Many people avoid for fear that home births are not as safe as birth in a hospital. Numerous studies and medical journals, however, concluded that for women at low risk, planned home births areassociated with fewer interventions, reduce costs and insurance, if not better results than those of births attended by physicians, hospital.
For more information on birth centers, visit the National Association of Maternity Center page of the site For more information on home births and midwives, go to the citizens of obstetrics in
Take a course in preparation for childbirth.
"The difference between taking aand not take a class can make the difference between vaginal delivery and caesarean section for something as simple as the positions you choose to work, "said Barbara Hotelling, former president of Lamaze International, the oldest association of childbirth in the United States
But look around. Some classes are designed only to prepare for what to expect in hospital, while others indicate the power of being active participants throughout pregnancy and childbirth.The training of instructors may be different. Qualified people with organizations such as Lamaze, Bradley, and inside delivery Birthworks, understand the difference between a normal delivery and birth unmedicated. Hotelling's recommended to talk to several coaches before making a decision.
Getting support.
The focus of our culture is the birth of a child. Little attention is paid to the birth of a mother. If possible, a lot of people support andthink about who would want to have with you during childbirth. "Women need support in the job and reverent love, says psychologist and doula, Lauren Korfine". How do the hard work to deliver the life they have known and cross on maternity leave. "
Doulas provide emotional and physical support during labor and childbirth, and postpartum support. Studies show that the presence of a doula birth can lead to shorter labors, less need for pain medication andintervention, and lower rates of cesarean delivery. It also increases women's satisfaction with birth. In other words, women give birth without someone whose sole job is to support them, births can have longer and more difficult. Doulas of North America (DONA) is a good starting point and the site has a link on how to find a doula near you. Visit: or call 1-888-788-GIVE.
Read and learn.
Although the number of books on pregnancy and childbirthmarket seems to grow exponentially, here are four excellent choices:
• The woman who thinks for a better life Goer Guide Hench
• a good delivery, safe delivery of Diana Korte and Roberta Scaer.
• Choice of noble birth by Barbara Harper.
• Quick delivery by Ina May Gaskin Ina May.
Delivery Options - Be informed