Sunday, October 16, 2011

How To Increase Breastmilk Production - The Truth Behind How To Increase Breastmilk Production

Nursing Pajamas

How to increase breastmilk production? Have you asked yourself the most important question about your breast milk production? That initial question should be in the form of, "Is my breast milk production really low?" It's not uncommon for mothers to think there breast milk production is not meeting the demands of the baby due to the nature of a baby's feeding schedules. It's best to talk to a lactation consultant if your breast milk production is truly low because often times the lactation consultant can tell you why your breast milk production is low and what you can do to fix the problem and moreover how to keep your breast milk production at optimal levels for good. You can also contact your local La Leche League for mother-to-mother support, education, information, encouragement, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.

Nursing Pajamas

If you have determined that your breast milk production is inadequate, take steps in a positive direction that will indeed have an impact on producing more breast milk for your baby. Plan ahead and set aside a Saturday or Sunday where you will apply techniques that are outline below, that a lot of mothers have found to boost there breast milk production 24-72 hours after applying these techniques. Also note that if you are using a breast pump and breast feeding as well you might find it hard to keep up your breast milk production, so apply the techniques below as well.

Pump and/or nurse your baby as often as possible. During the day, attempt to nurse about every 1 ½ to 2 hours and at night, even if it means waking your baby up, no less than every 3 hours. Keep track of time your baby starts feeding to the next feeding time. This will help you discover a pattern. Your baby can increase the amount of breast milk that you produce because babies naturally stimulate your breast more so than pumping.

Nurse your baby on each breast until he/she is fully satisfied. A baby falling asleep while breast feeding is a good indication that they are getting enough for their needs. Also, make a conscious effort to encourage the baby to feed from each breast.

Use an electric hospital grade breast pump if direct breast feeding is not an option. Breast milk production has been shown to increase by double pumping do to the fact of a breast milk stimulating hormone called Prolactin. Limit your breast pump sessions to around 10-15 minutes.

You may want to pump for 5-10 minutes after your baby has finished nursing. This can be easily be accomplished just by adding in an additional session of pumping once or twice a day.
Try to avoid bottle feeding or pacifiers during this period, as you're trying to allow your baby the opportunity to satisfy themselves at the breast. This will insure that your baby learns how to breast feed which directly impacts your breast milk production stimulation.

Juice, water, formula and solid foods are items you want to avoid when trying to get your baby to nurse more often, and remember the less your baby feeds at the breast means less breast milk stimulation.
Often try eating snacks that are high in calcium and protein.
Make sure you drink plenty of fluids but don't over do it, because over hydrating may have a negative affect on you breast milk production

Get plenty of rest. Sleep with the baby close to you, preferably skin to skin to increase the possibility of your baby wanting to breast feed more often. (Research how to safely co sleep with your infant.) More over, getting plenty of sleep is beneficial to both you and your baby.

Fenugreek is an herb that a number of mothers found to aid in increasing breast milk production. Combining this herb with nursing at the breast and/or breast pumping at increased frequencies will yield the best results. Fenugreek is usually available at your local nutrition or health food stores. 2-4 capsules a day is the normal dosage. Within 1-3 days, increased breast milk production is notice by most mothers. For some mothers, high dosages of Fenugreek may cause hypoglycemia, so avoid taking more that the recommended dosage. Fenugreek may cause urinary track infections during pregnancy, so avoid taking during pregnancy time. Blessed Thistle and Alfalfa are also herbs that you may use in combination with Fenugreek as some mothers have found combining herbs work best in contrast to just using a single herb by itself. Combine Fenugreek Alfalfa and Blessed Thistle if you want to try the herb combination approach.

Although advocating prescription drugs is not favorable, it may a viable option if breast milk production is not noticeably increased after applying the above techniques. A prescription drug called Metoclopramide, also known as Reglan, can be prescribed by your doctor if your breast milk production is inadequate, so ask you physician about it if all else fails. Depression and mood swings are potential side affects of Reglan, so Reglan should be avoided if you have a history of depression. You can combine Fenugreek, Blessed Thistle and Alfalfa with Reglan.

How To Increase Breastmilk Production - The Truth Behind How To Increase Breastmilk Production

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