Thursday, August 25, 2011

5 tips to help your baby sleep

Nursing Pajamas

New parents often one of the biggest challenges they face is when the baby does not sleep. Teach your child to sleep and staying asleep should be a priority for new parents and sleep deprivation can lead to childhood obesity, depression, behavioral problems, learning disabilities and diseases.

Nursing Pajamas

There are proven techniques that the baby's sleep can really help children and parents to have a better sleep nights. Here are 5 tips to help your child sleep better:

1.Develop a child's sleep routine - Children thrive on routine and predictability. With proper nap and bedtime routines, the child will know what to expect and welcome start to sleep as part of their daily routine. A typical routine might last 20-30 minutes (maybe more for the kids at heart) and include the diaper and pajamas, a quiet game, breast feeding / bottle / glass (for children under 2 years), brush teeth, urinal (if applicable), reading, hugs, and after turning off the lights. A nap routine is similar tothe routine of going to bed, but usually shorter, about 10 minutes.

The sleeping pattern of your child does not necessarily include the bath. Parents simply do not have the time or energy to bathe their children every day, and until they are older and get very dirty, it is not necessary. Secondly, if a child is gay, a bath can actually do more to stimulate the child to calm down.

2. Planning an early night - An early bedtime is important to sleep well at night for the child. When infants andchildren are very tired, may have more difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep and often wake up very early in the morning. Although many parents think that keeping a child later in the night will help with baby sleep problems, it is actually going to bed early that will lead to a more restful sleep for a child and then take to awaken the morning.

3. Make sure your child naps - The best baby sleeps during the day, better sleep at night because it is less likelytired at bedtime. A good nap lasts at least an hour and is located in a quiet, sedentary, compared with a swing stroller, or car, which is refreshing. Shorter, more frequent naps are common during the first 6 months. If your child is in kindergarten, parents need to work with their child care providers to establish a baby sleep routines and techniques to allow the child or child with long hair.

4. Avoid sleep associations - Babies, like all human beings have a natural sleepcycles, which wakes up periodically during the night. Often the techniques of baby sleep for new parents involved calming device or as a pacifier, bottle, breastfeeding, or rock the baby can not replicate by itself, when it wakes from sleep cycles. When the child can not go back to sleep is likely to clamor for the mom or dad to help him. Baby sleep associations often at the root of so many children sleep problems. For this reason it is important that parents put the child in hisbed awake, so he falls asleep by himself and be able to go to sleep at night.

5. Feed the baby handle Night - In the first nine months is considered normal for children to eat once or twice during the night. Some stopped long before by yourself or with just a little push from mom. If your child is eating more often than he or she is more than nine months, the mother may consider cut (or cut) night shots. All children aremany experts disagree on when feeding the baby during the night must end. A mother knows her baby best and can determine whether the woman should still eat at night, but not older than three months and two meals may have an association with sleep or by the bottle.

Everyone's situation is unique and what works for one family may not work for another. It takes courage and dedication to work with your child's sleeping problems, but the time spentteaching healthy sleep habits of the child's worth.

5 tips to help your baby sleep

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