Monday, December 5, 2011

Booklet Topic Idea - The Tween Market is Wide, Varied and Profitable

Nursing Pajamas

In the U.S. today there are more than 21 million children who fall into the "tween" category.  These 8 - 14 year olds make up a very lucrative market.  If you have a child or grandchild in this age group and you've been trying to come up with a topic for a booklet, writing for or about tweens might just be the topic for you.

Nursing Pajamas

Booklets Are A Perfect Fit With Tweens

When was the last time you saw an 8 - 14 year old sit down and read a book that wasn't required reading for school?  Probably never.  Although some tweens do read books, the vast majority would rather spend time online, watching TV, or talking on the phone.  Reading books takes too long, and tweens generally don't have the attention span or the patience that reading a full length book requires.  This is why booklets are perfect for this market.  They give the reader the facts in a short, concise manner. 

Booklets are also convenient for tweens to carry with them in a purse, backpack or tote.  This age group loves to share things they like with their friends.  Booklets are easy to share because they're easy to take along wherever the tween goes.  Once the tweens friends see the booklet, they'll want one too.

Topics That Interest Tweens

So, just what do tweens want to know more about today?  High on the list of priorities are:

Fashion Hair Care Make Up Room Decor Food Fun Websites Electronics Music Celebrities Sports Relationships (especially with friends and the opposite sex, but also includes parents and God)

Writing about any of the above will get a tweens attention, and if you can find a way to make your booklets collectable tweens will share them, trade them and keep them.

Writing About Tweens

Writing a booklet for tweens isn't the only way to capitalize on this market.  Writing a booklet for parents or grandparents of tweens, or for teachers or sports coaches, or for another professional who works with tweens on a regular basis can also be very lucrative.  Some topic ideas for these categories might include:

Tween Parenting - How To Have A Better Relationship With Your 8 - 14 Year Old  Grandparenting Tweens - What Today's Kids Are Into And How To Connect With Them Teaching Tweens - How To Get And Keep Their Attention So They Love To Learn Overweight Tweens - Why Diets Don't Work And What You Can Do About It How To Talk To Your Tween About Sex Busy Tweens - How To Help Your Tween Balance And Enjoy Middle School life

This is a short list, but you can see there are a variety of subjects having to do with tweens that would make an excellent booklet.  The key is to provide well written, helpful content so that people will not only purchase your booklet, but they'll be happy to tell others about it as well.

The Tween Market Is Diverse And Profitable

As you can see from the above examples, the market for tween booklets is wide and varied.  You can write booklets directly to tweens or write them for their parents.  You can write booklets for teachers and coaches too.  But the market is even further reaching than this, because you can sell those booklets to companies who sell to tweens, such as magazines. 

There are many avenues for profiting from the tween market.  If you have a tween in your life or you work with tweens, you've got riches right under your nose just waiting to be mined!

Copyright 2009 Kim Hillman

Booklet Topic Idea - The Tween Market is Wide, Varied and Profitable

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