Sunday, November 6, 2011

Getting Baby To Sleep Through the Night

Nursing Pajamas

So you are having trouble getting your baby to sleep through the
night. Well you are not the only parents that struggle with
this. This is a common problem because baby has to be taught
how to fall asleep on his/her own. So here are some tips to
help you and your baby get some sleep.

Nursing Pajamas

First of all you need to establish a bedtime routine. A bedtime
routine is the key to helping baby settle down. Tryto put baby
to bed at the same time every single night and try to keep naps
at the same time each day as well. When baby does the same
thing every night then baby will know that its time for bed. A
bedtime routine could consist of...

Giving baby a bath, getting baby ready for bed, putting on
pajamas, reading baby a story, some cuddling and then put baby
in the crib. Baby may reject at first but in a few days baby
will catch on and won't reject the bedtime routine. Baby will
know that it is time to go to bed and go down happily. You will
be amazed as I was how easy it was to put my baby to sleep.

You should put baby to sleep in the same place every time. This
may be hard especially when baby is in day care and takes naps
there. When you can, put baby to sleep in the same place every
time. Baby should fall asleep in his/her crib every time, this
way baby is familiar with his/her surroundings and will feel
safe and secure falling asleep there.

Baby should be put in his/her crib when awake and then put his/
her to sleep. Babies wake up in the night and then go back to
sleep. If baby is going to sleep while being rocked or nursing
and then you put baby in the crib when baby wakes up he/she will
want mom, and will become fully awake, and will have trouble
getting back to sleep.

All bedtime routine activities need to take place in your baby's
room. So putting baby's pajamas on, reading a bedtime story and
any other activities that happen about 30 min before bed should
be in baby's room. Try to have everything that you may need
with you so that you don't have to leave the room, undoing
everything you have already done to prepare baby for bed. Every
bedtime routine will vary.

Tell your baby every night when it's time to go to sleep. This
is how I start my bedtime routine. I say it's bedtime, tell
everyone goodnight. So we go around and say goodnight to
everyone and then we go to his room. Telling your baby this
every night followed by the bedtime routine will let baby know
what is expected of him/her. Baby will know that it is time for
bed, and go down happily.

Of course there are many other factors that go into baby
sleeping through the night, you should see an improvement in
babies sleep, by just establishing a bed time routine, and
having baby put him/herself to sleep.

Getting Baby To Sleep Through the Night

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