Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Traditional Nurses Uniform Versus Nursing Scrubs

Nursing Pajamas

When you first think of the words nurses' uniform, what images conjure up in your head? Perhaps you think about the more traditional nurse in a dress and cap. You might think of a nurse as simply wearing a pair of barco scrubs. Some of you might first think of a nurses Halloween type costume. Whatever images first come to your mind, the nurses' uniform has undergone some major changes within the last century.

Nursing Pajamas

Some of the first nurses' uniforms were actually quite similar to that of a nun's habit. This is due to the fact that nuns used to be the ones who attended to the sickly people, therefore the nurses uniforms were made in a similar look. In general, a nurse's old style uniform consisted of a dress with an apron and a cap. This style seemed to stick around for quite some time with just a few minor changes over the years.

Here within the last twenty years, nursing scrubs have become more popular than the more traditional nurses' uniform. In addition to being easier to clean than the dress and apron, scrubs are generally more comfortable to wear. Nowadays scrubs are worn by generally the entire medical profession. Surgeons, pediatricians, dentists, and veterinarians just to name a few all usually wear scrubs.

Although scrubs are generally worn and accepted by those in the medical profession, there are those people who like wearing the scrubs, and there are those who would rather wear the traditional nurses' uniform. Those who would rather wear the traditional uniform generally believe that wearing scrubs is like wearing your pajamas to work. They also feel that their patient's would be able to recognize them as nurses in the traditional garb versus wearing the scrubbs that even the housekeeping staff wears. Those who prefer the scrubs believe that they are much more functional when it comes to comfort. They are also trying to dislodge the stereotype for nurses that the traditional garb often generates. Not to mention that in today's world, there are many male nurses in the field who would obviously be offended by the traditional garb.

Whichever side of the fence you happen to be on depends on your own personal style. In most cases it also depends on which generation you belong to. The traditional nurses' uniform now seems to be a blast from the past. However, there are still some countries in which they still wear the traditional uniform rather than scrubs. Either way, the nurses that provide us care each and every day deserve our utmost respect and thanks for doing their hard jobs. Without nurses most of us who walk into a hospital's emergency room would be missing out on the genuine care that only nurses seem to provide.

The Traditional Nurses Uniform Versus Nursing Scrubs

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