Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Cheap Landau Scrubs Celebrate the Evolution of Nursing Uniforms

Nursing Pajamas

Nurses' uniforms have not been uniform. From early nurse's attire to today's outfits, they have undergone a major transformation, throughout the years. Today, uniforms such as cheap landau scrubs have become popular in clinics and hospitals throughout the world. However, scrubs have not always been as prevalent as attire for nurses, as they are now. Thus, it is important to have a better understanding of nurses' past uniforms, to better appreciate today's uniforms. Here are some key elements:

Nursing Pajamas

1. The first nurse's uniform

If the first nurses uniform resembles the habit of a nun, that is because it was modeled after the long, loose clothing. Prior to the 1800s, nuns were the people who cared for ill people. Thus, the first nurse's uniform resembled nuns' habits.

During the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale unendingly served as a nurse, treating the war's wounded British soldiers. She later founded the first nursing school based on science, thus initiating the profession of trained nursing. It was actually one of Nightingale's first students, Ms. Euphemia Van Rensselaer, who developed the first uniforms for Nightingale's nursing school.

2. British national nurses uniforms

Nurses' uniforms have evolved in the UK, since the launch of the country's National Health Care in 1948. Various changes in uniforms have occurred. In the 1960s, open necks appeared. Then in the following decade, the 1970s, disposable caps of paper replaced cotton versions. In the 1980s, nurses wore plastic aprons, and wore outerwear less often. Finally, while scrubs became popular in the 1990s, the majority of British nurses continued to wear dresses.

3. "Standard" nurses uniforms

Though nurses' uniforms have become more informal in many nations, the "standard" nurse's uniform has remained basically standard. Typically, a standard uniform has included a dress, a cap, and a pinafore apron. Some alternatives include a cobber apron replacing the pinafore apron, and a nursing pin. A nursing pin indicates from which school a nurse has recently graduated. Developing countries tend to use standard uniforms.

4. Contemporary nurses uniforms

Beginning in the late 1980s, some nations began using nurses' uniforms that were more contemporary than "standard" uniforms. One alternative was a tunic topic, and dark blue pants. The tunic's color was based on the nurse's level. A second alternative included a dress that was the same color as the tunic top of the first alternative.

5. Scrub shirts, pants, and dresses

Scrubs, which include: 1) a set of shirt and pants, or 2) a dress, have become increasingly popular as medical attire. This clothing is much more comfortable and hygienic than standard nurses uniforms. Some nurses argue that scrubs give nurses an appearance that is overly casual. Nevertheless, scrubs have become particularly popular in developed regions of the world, including the United States and Western Europe.

Should nurses' uniforms be traditional or contemporary? Regardless, it is undeniable that scrubs provide nurses with practical and hygienic clothing. Ultimately, this helps them to provide superior service, when tending to their patients. It is not the uniform that Florence Nightingale designed, though it honors her spirit of progress.

Cheap Landau Scrubs Celebrate the Evolution of Nursing Uniforms

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