Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The History of Scrubs

Nursing Pajamas

Scrubs are a short-sleeved shirt and a pair of drawstring pants made of cotton. Scrubs are worn in a medical atmosphere. The name scrubs came from the practice of doctors meticulously washing or scrubbing their hands before performing surgery. Traditionally, scrubs are light green, but today's doctors, nurses, and other medical professional are choosing hospital scrubs in brighter colors and trendy patterns like a floral print scrub top to complete their daily work attire wardrobes.

Nursing Pajamas

Up until the end of the nineteenth century, surgeons performed operations dressed in common clothing, which they covered with an apron similar to those worn by butchers. Operating rooms were large auditoriums, and surgeries were performed without the benefit of a sterile environment. Surgeons did not wash their hands before operating, and instruments were not sterilized. Nearly half of all surgical patients died of sepsis during this time.

A British surgeon named Joseph Lister became concerned about the number of deaths among his post-surgical patients. He began studying the work of Louis Pasteur, who had been conducting bacterial research, and as a result, he began using procedures to clean his patients' wounds. He found this practice successful.

Sterile procedures were slow to catch on, however, and despite the fact that nurses had begun to wear white uniforms in the early 1900s, it wasn't until the 1940s that surgeons began routinely wearing special clothing in the operating room. The early surgical clothing was gowns and surgical drapes that were made of white cotton. White clothing was found to reflect light, and in the 1950s, the switch was made to green and traditional hospital scrubs.

The simple green scrub became popular in the 1970s. Medical personnel found the uniform comfortable and functional. Hospital administrators were also impressed with how cost-effective scrubs were, as well as with their easy maintenance and the market demand for discount scrub uniforms was created.

Today, many hospitals use a variety of colors to differentiate between departments, while hospital scrubs continue to be primarily green. Pediatric staffs often wear scrubs decorated with cartoon characters, putting their young patients and their parents at ease. Many medical offices also wear scrubs. In addition, scrubs are also sold as casual and sleepwear. Many modern day hospitals are looking to find new and practical ways to manage cost. Today's hospital administrators are looking for discounted scrubs at the best prices. There can be many different companies offering discount scrubs.

The History of Scrubs

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