Monday, November 21, 2011

Breastfeeding Lifestyle Adaptations

Nursing Pajamas

Breastfeeding is a lifestyle as well as a method of feeding your baby. As with any lifestyle, you have choices to make and some adapting to do. Choosing to breastfeed is a personal choice and with it comes some things that are allowed and a few that are not.

Nursing Pajamas

Nutrition and diet are a big part of the choice a mom makes when choosing to nurse her newborn instead of bottle feeding. Nutrition is very important because mom is not quite done eating for two yet. A higher calorie intake is still very important considering breastfeeding burns about five hundred calories a day. A healthy breastfeeding diet should contain ample amounts of protein, vitamin C, iron, DHA rich foods, and water. In DHA rich foods such as salmon will promote healthy brain growth for your little one. Calcium is something to also make sure you are getting enough of. Doctors say that five servings of calcium is the appropriate amount for a breastfeeding mom. All nursing moms should also stay on a prenatal vitamin daily as well.

Certain foods will have to be avoided during breastfeeding. This is part of the choice mothers make when choosing to nurse instead of bottle feed. The good news is that not as many foods as during pregnancy. That occasional glass of wine is normally okay as long as it is not multiple glasses and it is consumed right after feeding the baby, as opposed to right before. Deli meats are on the okay list as well now. Caffeine should still be avoided for the most part, but one cup of coffee should be okay. A good measurement will be your body's own response to the caffeine and your baby's response to it as well. If the baby is not sleeping well on days caffeine is consumed then it should be avoided completely during breastfeeding.

As far as exercise goes, unless your doctor says otherwise, you should feel free to break out the sneakers and get a good balanced routine going again. The old rule was to only do as much as your personal comfort level will allow, in other words stop if something hurts. Your doctor should always clear you for exercise first.

Wardrobe will also be something affected by a mom's choice to breastfeed. Luckily, there are more and more designers popping up with wonderful wardrobe options that promote easy where ever and whenever breastfeeding. Nursing pajamas make overnight breastfeeding much easier. Nursing tops make daily routines easier whether mom is in the comfort of her own home or on an outing to the mall.

Breastfeeding Lifestyle Adaptations

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