Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Home From the Hospital With Your Newborn

Nursing Pajamas

The time spent just after childbirth is a beautiful time for mother and baby. The days spent on the couch and snuggled up in bed getting well needed rest and getting to know each other are just priceless days. These are the days that mom is still in her nursing pajamas around the clock and baby is mostly sleeping and eating. Mom and baby deserve this time after all the long months of living together and never meeting. It is a time for rest, a time for a peaceful setting, and a time for other people to help out around the house.

Nursing Pajamas

Dad and Grandma need to step up and do some laundry, some cooking, and some chores. Kudos to Dads who do these things regularly anyway, but now is the time to step up if he hasn't already.

Photos should be another priority. Baby is just as newborn as can be and the pictures taken in these first few days will be well worth the extra effort you made to take them.

If there is ever a time to hire a professional - now would be it. The precious face of your newborn and the obvious innocence they carry is just a priceless thing. Photos now will be different than the messy face of the first ice cream cone and the dressed up first day of school.

Mommy and newborn baby will be spending time together around the clock, so another good tip is to let Daddy help out. Moms need to take a break and shower, eat, and take a little time alone. If for only shower time or for meal time, the break is needed and will make the time spent with baby all that much better. Put on a clean nursing bra and get right back to baby after a nice long hot shower. Brush your hair, brush your teeth, shave your legs. Without these daily routines, a new mom can start to feel like they just lost their whole life. Necessary hygiene routines should not be skipped and starting as early as those first few days home from the hospital with baby will make all the difference. It is okay if baby is crying with Daddy. Daddy needs to learn how to comfort his new baby just as much as Mom does.

One last tip for new Moms bringing baby home is to accept cleaning service gifts. As a woman, I know we can be stubborn about cleaning our own home. If your best friend gives you a gift certificate for a cleaning service, accept it and use it now. The last thing a new mom needs to be doing the week home from the hospital is cleaning the shower and the toilet. Enjoy every minute of your newborn and the joy of being a mother.

Home From the Hospital With Your Newborn

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